At homes day
Inevitably I slept badly. It was very hot and the AC is noisy. Had to resort to ear plugs.
We were all up by 6.45 and I handed the girls back to their mother before 9; off to gymnastics. I did some laundry and tidying and sorting out of the toiletries and the misc drawer. There destinations are offered: hold, cabin, left at HK.
It was another bright, hot sunny morning. Although the temp reads the same because the sun is much higher now it is stronger and feels hotter. I went to HK pool to lie, resting, in the heat and also just lie in the water. It closed over and the wind got up threatening rain by 2 and I went upstairs.
I was surprised to find the girls home but no sign of parents, they were sleeping. Scrounged some 'lunch' and rested. The weather brightened up later but the girls did not want to swim or even go out. I got them to record video messages for J and J (birthdays today) and Mum and drew a family tree for Olivia in prep for July.
Wen Hui emerged about 4 and went back to GK to drop off wet stuff and check birth dates for the younger ones on the tree. Amelia was doing homework. They get so much, because the teachers don't teach #1 son says.
Dinner was stay, #1 son eventually emerging after 6, and ice cream, all delivered. #1 sun is banking sleep for the rugby. The Scottish game doesn't start till 4 am tomorrow
Watched House of Games from 2019 and then I returned to my lair just before 9. Straight to the pool, technically in moonlight, though it was hidden behind the tower block.
Struggled to get iPlayer. For some reason it's not working on the laptop but ok in the tablet which meant a close encounter with Paradise, and then bed.
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