Today's the day . . . . . . . . . . to uncover the past
The penultimate day of the Dig - and we've made good progress.
We have found good evidence that the Iron Age (approx. 400 years BC) Round House that the archaeologists had identified, was indeed here. The above shows the excavation of the packed stones that would have formed the foundation for the floor. These would have been covered with soil to make a flat surface, over which reed mats would have been strewn. The extra shows Katie tidying up round the hearth - where the fire would have been used for cooking and keeping the inhabitants warm. This dwelling was possibly used during the summer months only - and there could have been several of them on the same site.
Tomorrow, we will finish digging and the final measurements and recordings will be completed. I've learnt such a lot - and enjoyed every minute .......................
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