Friday: Spring Flowers & Buds
A very chilly start to the day, overcast and looked as if there was rain on the way but clouds gradually broke up and we had a lovely Spring day.
Made a panful of meatballs in pasta sauce for MrD’s dinner this evening with enough for 2 extra portions which will be frozen.
I made a few “experimental” keyrings, it’s such a long time since I made them for my craft stall that I had to re-learn the basics!
After lunch I placed more trays under the flower pots, we’ve had no rain and everything is getting very dry. A small pot of golden feverfew seedlings was very dry, decided to pot them on into larger pots before watering them - grown from Cottage Garden seedswap seeds, they look very strong and healthy, I ended up with a dozen small plants :-))
Today’s Blip is of last week’s Lilac purchase - I’m sure the buds have grown!
The mix of pink and white Hellebores are next to the wall which is to be rebuilt when our builder gets back to us, there’s a yellow flowered Mahonia as well :-)
The bottom photo is of a patch of self sown Forget-me-nots which are growing in the sunniest part of the garden.
MrD was on deliveries until late afternoon.
Loads of love and hugs to all my family / Cariad Mawr
Nos da pawb / Goodnight all XXXX XXX XX
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