Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

….............When your human becomes a pensioner.

When my human was a little person growing up in the 1960s, pensioners seemed like really old people. Today my human became a proper, official, pensioner. How did that happen? How does someone go from nought to 66 years old in no time at all? Anyway, that is what has happened! My human is 'officially' an old person. Statistically, women in the UK live until they are 82.6 years old. That means that we'd better just keep on Blipping because in another 20 years time, it's probable that neither of us will be here?! What a depressing thought??!!

Moving swiftly on.................. life is not a dress rehearsal and one has to live one's life as though each day is the last................. Today I had two walks in the morning and then Ann went out for a birthday lunch and consumed three bottles of wine obv not all by herself and then, after she'd come home and taken me out for a little toileting walk around the block, she needed a lie down. #itshardworkbeingapensioner

And the thing is.................... she's going to be doing the exact same thing for the next four days?!!...............

…..............Well if you can't celebrate being a 66 year old pensioner when you become a pensioner when can you? And also, my human has always worked since she had her first 'paper round' at 13 years old, so has worked for the last 53 years, but she still can't quite believe that she is going to get a state pension of £921 every four weeks. It's amazing. Obviously the state pension is nowhere near enough to live on, if that is all someone is getting, but my human is still working and she doesn't want to get into a political debate so an extra £921 every four weeks seems like a fortune.

Oh and if anyone is wondering why Ann is holding a Birthday Card in this Blip................... well it's her favourite card and it sums up completely what she thinks about becoming a PENSIONER. Thanks Derek & Margaret. xxx

PS - Just out of interest.................. are there any Edinburgh Blippers who remember the 'Farmhouse Kitchen', which was situated on Princes Street in the mid 1970s? Ann has tried googling it but can't find anything about it. She worked there more than 50 years ago? It was a self service salad  bar place that was really popular back in the day. Mice used to sit underneath the plastic black bags waiting for food to be dropped and nothing was washed properly. Everything was absolutely filthy and after a couple of months Environmental Health came in and gave them two days to clean everything. Not sure whether they ever did. My human left after that. Lol!

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