
By LesTension


It's Flower Friday...but there's no flowers around here this time of year.  But I came across a nice woman walking her Golden Retriever and I was immediately hit with a wave of nostalgia.
This is Vinnie and he's been gone for quite a while but not a day goes by that I don't think of him.  This Back Blip shows him enjoying one of his favorite activities...Frisbee catch in the snow. He would do it all day long if I had the time.
From the day he came home with me he was never far from my side...except when I was at school teaching.  I wanted to take him along...even asked permission but it was denied.  Not certain why...he was certainly better behaved than many in the student body.  The kids would have loved him and when it was time to learn I'd tell him to "go lie down" and he'd crawl under my desk and just lie there until I said it was time to get up.
He'd greet me at the door when I got home from school because he knew it was his time. And I never disappointed him, not even on the coldest of days.  He loved romping in the snow and I was properly dressed.  A friend of mine once said..."...there's no such thing as bad weather, only inadequate clothing."  So we went out and messed around for at least an hour....maybe two if my homework load was not too heavy.
He'd "help" me shovel snow, paint the house, dig holes where they needed to be dug, rake leaves......it didn't matter to him.  Whatever I was doing he was OK with it as long as he could come along. I rarely went anywhere without him.  If he couldn't come along.....I'd prefer not to go.  He was my bestest friend and I do miss him so.

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