
By Stace91

St John's Cathedral

Today I went back to Parramatta to get some business done and decided I would try to get the church photo I wanted to get last week.

This time I decided to capture St Johns cathedral from another entrance. The door looks to be from the original building, but the steeples have been re-built.

It is interesting to see the contrast between the old and the new, and I was glad to see no canoodling teens this time.

I quickly grabbed this shot while I was waiting for my train to arrive. To be standing in front of such a calm place, surrounded by a town which has become quite rough over the past 10 years can make someone nervous. It isn't my favourite place and to be honest, Parramatta does not hold fond memories for me and I get nervous going there anyway, but it is where a big shopping complex is and sometimes you can't avoid going somewhere.

Another church shot, they are always lovely as they symbolise peace, forgiveness, and serenity.

Hope you are all having a nice week so far :-)

Stacy xx

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