
By Stace91

History Carved In Rock

This was a photo I took while in Sydney as I knew I may not be able to get anywhere today.

This carving can be found in a place called The Rocks. The Rocks is right beside Circular Quay where the harbour bridge and opera house are.

On Sundays The Rocks have a market on, you can find some nice things there, mainly ornaments, trinkets, hand made craft and art, hand made jewellery and of course market food.

The Rocks is a great place to visit as it holds a lot of Sydney's history, it is after all the oldest part of town. When you walk along the cobble roads, it is like a step back in time surrounded by old buildings and the ocean, to a time in which our ancestors walked the earth and walked along the same path I took yesterday and many before.

This is one of my favourite monuments at The Rocks. A carving with a strong tale, and a history that built the land we know and call Australia today.
I couldn't see a write up on it so I am left to assume it is a family from the first fleet. Perhaps one of the first families to place foot on the soil. Posing quite noble and proud to be in a new land, creating a new life for themselves and their baby.

As I stare at the rock, I look around and wonder what life was like. What sounds did they hear, children laughing perhaps, birds, the waves crashing below them, another boat pulling in? What did they smell in the air, was it the salt from the ocean, did they smell freedom? It wouldn't have been the smell of corn cooking and the sound of a thousand voices like I heard or as I could smell. Something simple, for a much simpler time. I try to imagine the artist working away with such delicacy, an amazing job he or she has done. That is true art, when it can stop you in your tracks and for a moment let your mind escape to another world and one you are not familiar with.

If you ever get the chance to visit Sydney, stop by this amazing place. Take in the views, The Rocks should be appreciated for what it was, and helps us remember where we came from to get to where we are today. Up the road a little you will step back into the modern world with big skyscrapers and technology everywhere, people walking faster than their legs can carry them because they are late for a meeting. Leave that world for a moment and witness history carved into a rock.

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