Red cabbage mist
Red cabbage mist
Red cabbage mist
Red cabbage mist
At 4am I stepped outside in my slippers. I was hoping to see something magical like this. Like Sheryl, looking at the moon makes me think of people on the other side of the world, like her, looking at the same thing. I actually remembered a blip from her from a few years back as I stood outside and saw nothing but cloud. Unlike her, I had no patience to wait for the clouds to move or move to a better location. Less light pollution and urban landscaping may have helped. Instead, I turned off my brain and went back inside to watch the season finale of 'Running Point'
Heading into my office after the frist cleared, my first meeting was uneventful. A later one, slightly irritating. We have consultants in as part of another reorganisation. My team were invited to a team consultation and my team leaders/managers were, earlier this week, told that they couldn't attend it as they were people managers and the other attendees may feel unable to speak openly in their presence. They were moved to today's session, then attending with their line manager. Poor communication/organisation again. I offered to leave the meeting.
I picked up a message and then called MrRIU. My father had visited and they'd had a massive argument. There was swearing and threatening behaviours from both. My father is very opinionated and will push and push, never backing down. He is judgemental and in arguments will get right in your face and use threats to make his point. MrRIU has a low tolerance point and will usually remove himself to keep the peace. Today, in our doorway, he couldn't. It didn't end well and MrRIU said that for the first time in 30 years, the red mist had descended. Thankfully recognising this and that my father is a man in his 80's, who is likely in the early stages of dementia and still grieving the loss of my mum he managed to bring himself back in check, apologise and close the door.
I visited my father later who continued to express his opinions and argue about matters which are none of his business. Fortunately I am better at managing my emotions around him than MrRIU or my sister and made my points calmly, stopping those points of conversation for now at least. It is, i think, get worse amd it may be that a camera bell and a don't answer if I'm not there plan is the only viable solution.
When I eventually arrived home I discovered that some of the prescription items I had collected for MrRIU (from the pharmacy next to my office) were for someone with the same first name,.initials and house number (with a very similar postocde). I drove back and was very pleasant to the lady who'd served me who, in turn, very apologetic and claimed full responsibility. Her response suggested that she doesn't get much kindness directed her way. Is it an epidemic? Mistakes do happen, no one does need to know about it and no one has been hurt by it. We need more.kindness.
Mine was repaid. Soothing my own emotions with food, I stopped for.a halloumi kebab and chips. The server gave me complementary coleslaw for keeping me waiting.
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