I Witness

By KangaZu

Flower Friday ...

... Daffodil ... that almost didn't happen.  

This shot will be the last taken with the Z63 Nikon for the next week or so as we had a little mishap early this morning (3am!) whilst trying to take pictures of the Lunar Eclipse.  It was appropriate it was called the Blood Moon as my blood was shed ... but thankfully only a little bit.

Since the the lunar eclipse was also going to produce a blood moon I wanted to get some pictures.  I was staying up but fell asleep on the couch.  But Richard woke me up shortly after 2am as the eclipse was supposed to be starting around then.  All was going well as we set up the cameras and tripod on the deck.  Although I was having trouble with my camera focusing on the moon.  

After getting some shots on the deck we moved the camera down to the sidewalk that's right outside the sunroom.  That's when everything went south ... literally!  Richard was standing right behind me as I was taking some pictures.  He lost his balance somehow and then I lost my balance somehow ... and we both ended up falling down the two concrete steps down from the sidewalk.  And as I fell onto the stones below the camera and tripod came tumbling down too.

I'm so grateful for several things.  First I narrowly missed falling onto a potted plant that was to my right.  Second neither one of us broke any bones ... although we are both bruised, banged up and sore.  Third the 600mm lens that was on my camera when it fell was unharmed.  However, my camera wasn't so lucky.  It took the brunt of the fall and the casing around the information control panel cracked.  Thankfully the camera still worked afterwards as evidenced by this daffodil shot and the shot of Kiera in Extras.  She was very interested in knowing why we were up at such a crazy hour! And the sad thing was I don't think I even get a decent shot of the eclipse!

And thankfully we bought insurance when we purchased the camera so we've sent it in for repair.  Hopefully I'll have the camera back by sometime next week or so.  But in the meantime I'll be using my old Nikon 5600!

Thanks to Anni for hosting Flower Friday each week.  Sorry for the long post.  

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