Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Up on the roof

A glorious morning with blue skies and sunshine. Down to the pier as usual for fresh fish - parking is behind the station and this must be one of the first views train travellers see of Oban! A lovely roof which I think is supposed to represent a whisky distillery. No library visits now - it’s closed on Saturdays.
Spent some time potting and cleaning up plants out on the deck, bringing flowering bulbs round to the front door to brighten the place up a bit. It began to cloud over and there was a roughly two second burst of very light drizzle - very odd!
After lunch I drove in the rain down to the car park at McCaig’s Tower after having posted on Facebook that I’d be there with the last of the monkey puzzle seedlings. One person turned up, so that’s the last opportunity. To act as a beacon for potential plant collectors I put the flower pot with the wrapped seedlings on the car roof. I was approached by a couple who I thought might be after plants, but they merely asked if I knew that I had a plant on the roof of the car. I wish I’d been quick enough to show surprise!
More gardening then back indoors to book my next trip to London.
Quote of the Day: ‘No known roof is as beautiful as the skies above.’ -

Micheal O Muircheartaigh. 

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