michigan man

By outdoorguy

The Eyes Have It...

or,..Dinner on the Dock.

One advantage to having a long skinny beak like the great white egret has...is...that you can get into places that other birds can't. Like into a crack of the concrete wall to pull out a herring. There was a snowy egret right behind the great, but he/she wasn't reaching in there to nab the fish.

Our carport sale went well today. It was a l-o-n-g day, starting at 7 a.m. and lasting until 2 p.m., but we did make 688 dollars which will be used by our beautification committee to spruce up the grounds. After the sale, the workers were treated to meatball subs with peppers and onions. They tasted great, but 2 hours later I wish I would have skipped lunch. They DID NOT treat me well. Live and learn.

Not wanting to eat anything else, I went out for the sunset. I gave it a 3, with the wind keeping many birds away. My sunset shot is in my extras.

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