August 1st!

Waited weeks for today!

It's downhill from here. August means that I'm on the home straight now, even though I've been over half way for the last couple of weeks. Getting into August just makes it that much closer to home.

Plus it's where things should start to pick up and get busy again. I remember cruising through July last year, then August really took off and was very different. I also remember having to leave for a week in August and losing a bucket load of sales in the process - was not pleased about that - made my August numbers look a bit odd. In fact, when I came off the pass last year to go on an event, it was more or less the last foto I took.

But still, August 2012 was a great month for the project, and seeing as I'm here all month, I have very high hopes this time around.

Have given up with the project's solution provider. We are building our own site now.

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