Walter Scott
Last day of my working week, and it was a long working day. I spent almost the whole morning observing a meeting. One item on the agenda was particularly tricky. I left the meeting before the end, but was exhausted after that item, and I wasn’t even taking part. I had to get out for some fresh air to clear my head.
The afternoon was busy, as I tried to finish one thing off, while starting something else. I had a really good catch up with a colleague towards the end of the day, which meant we both left the office far too late.
TT was on my bus home, however he had been to the pub with a colleague. Tea was cobbled together from the fridge. Then I popped out for a brief walk, before getting my laptop out, to try and finish something off.
I walked past the Scott Monument at lunchtime. I’m not sure why Sir Walter has a scarf tied round his face.
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