The Bish!
Bishop John came to church today to celebrate for us. He's visiting charges without a priest at the moment and is in good form. This may have something to do with the fact that he's retiring in September! We had home. baking at coffee time to celebrate his visit, rather than biscuits.
When I got home I had an email from our local councillor. I'd written to her to say how horrified I was that there was a proposal to have the Princes Street big wheel in place from June to December. Apparently it will add to the tourist appeal of the city. I can't help thinking it would completely ruin the city's World Heritage status situated as it is in the middle of Princes Street Gardens over shadowing the national Galleries and the Scott Monument. She says it's only a suggestion at the moment and from what she said she has had several other letters against it. Somehow though, the wishes of local people seem to get lost in these situations and things seem to be faits accomplis no matter what. Apparently it will raise large amounts of money for the city - I find that hard to believe, large profits for the operator, that I can believe.
I did some cooking this afternoon, Beef Olives for the family, then it was time for a doze. I seem to be taking ages to get over my trip this time.
We caught up with some more University Challenge after dinner, we're finally up to date with the Quarter finals.
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