New York, New York
I’ve had a dream that I want to visit New York before I die. Now that dream came true!
Our flight was pleasant, we enjoyed luxury leg room next to the exit door. We watched the movie White Bird and I also watched four episodes of the series called Succession. We landed to JFK at 20:30 NYC time.
Our hotel is NH Collection New York Madison Avenue. It was super long day, in Finnish time it was 05:30 when we finally went to bed.
In the morning we walked to the Grand Central Station. At the Fifth Avenue we saw NYC Half Marathon runners, it was quite a carnival! The Grand Central Station is very beautiful building! We ate breakfast at the Tartinery Café, it was perfect.
We continued our walk, and visited beautiful St. Patrick’s Cathedral. We visited the Museum of Modern Art. We loved it! We spent there several hours and also ate lunch there.
When we were back at our hotel, all energy was used for today. This was wonderful day, it’s great to have new adventures tomorrow!
+15 C, cloudy
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