Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


...but it does my heart good to see Mr. HCB out in our garden and in his happy place!  He wasn’t even aware that I had opened the conservatory door and taken several shots of him cutting down various plants.  

After having to forego his garden work for several weeks, he was raring to go this morning - and it must have been a joy to him to put on his old gardening clothes - on reflection, perhaps I should have given them a good wash whilst he wasn’t going out there - together with his oldest Tilley hat.  I appreciate they are not brilliant shots, but it is a dull day - well weatherwise, that is!  

Mr. HCB was ”as happy as Larry” or “as pleased as punch” or any other expression that recognises joy! I did ask him if wearing his hat had made his head feel sore, but he assured me he was fine and enjoyed his time in the garden.  Long may it continue - at least until the cricket season starts in early April! 

The shot at the bottom left shows our spinach and chard whilst the other one shows more rhubarb pushing its way up through the “organic” farmyard manure.  To twist another expression, “you can take the man out of the garden, but you can’t take the garden out of the man”!  

Here’s to many more happy hours in the garden for Mr. HCB this year.  My “self-imposed” job for the summer is to paint our 20 metres of fence, some of which you can see in the background behind Mr. HCB.  

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all our Irish Blippers - have a great day, begorrah!  M xx 

P.S. I have just finished reading "The Covenant of Water" by Abraham Verghese - a wonderful book - all 724 pages.  We are about to visit the Library, so guess I need to get some housework done so that I can sit and read all day for the next couple of weeks!! 

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