…but I will add a few! I honestly thought I would be feeling much better than I am at the moment, and knew when I looked at these daffodils, kindly given to me by our lovely Blip friend, Heidi, that there was still a Blip in them.

This is much like I feel at present but I hope as the week goes on things will brighten up and I will get my mojo back.

It’s difficult for someone like me to sit back and let life happen all around me, but I know, once again, that I need to let this happen.

Mr HCB went to Church on his own this morning - and having “nodded off” a couple of times, perhaps as well he did. Poor chap, he was very late home, and hadn’t even had a drink, because, he said, so many people were asking about me. It’s so good to feel loved and I appreciate, not only our Church family but also every one of you who has shown love and concern over the last few days.

I WILL bounce back - it may just take a bit longer than I would like and patience never was my strong point - ask Mr HCB!

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