Robin at large

By Robin


We may have been fooled by the early sunshine into thinking it would be nice at the coast. It seemed to be sensible to head south to maximise the chance of sun and warmth. The fact the sunvisor was needed was a good sign.

By the time we had reached Johnshaven the sky hat clouded over, but it was not too cold. We had a walk for an hour or so before checking out the pub before it got too busy. Just as well we did as they only had one table left.

Many of the houses look to have had quite a bit of money spent on them. It has the air of being quite a prosperous little village. Not sure how many might be second homes, the size of some of them would suggest they are the main residence. It would be quite a long commute for somebody working in the Aberdeen area.

There is at least one fishery still operating in what he used to be a fishing village. We did see a couple of boats going out.

By the time we left the pub it was feeling much cooler so we decided to return to Aberdeen.

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