The Sound of Silence
Not a bad day for March! A somewhat cloudy morning which improved as the day went on. I’d arranged to drive down to the trading estate on Glengallan Road to visit MKM, the building supplies depot, as the manager had agreed, once again, to give Keep Oban Beautiful another supply of gloves and bags for our litter pick - my extra today - which normally takes place on the last weekend of March. I’m not sure what will happen this year as our committee has gone down to three, including me, and there seems to be little motivation to go ahead with it.
On the way down I passed this young monkey puzzle tree - no, It’s not being offered to the first taker! - so I stopped for a picture. Behind, to the right, is MKM, though it’s hard to spot.
When I came home I tried sitting out with a book, but I could hear two distant chainsaws, then the sun went behind a huge cloud, so I gave up. After lunch however it was far more promising and after a few bits of cloud had passed over we sat in the sun for most of the afternoon, together with Rosie the cat, though she went indoors after a while. So quiet today - the odd car passing by forty feet below us, the occasional dog-walker equally far below and the beautiful sound of bird song. In the far distance we heard the 4.11 train tooting as it climbed out of Oban, then a faraway announcement from a ferry leaving port, otherwise beautifully calm.
Quote of the Day: ‘True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.’ - William Penn.
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