Flying Through
We had some rain early morning but thankfully it had stopped when we got up. A few jobs done around the house a wash load done , oven cleaned and then hoovered the stairs .
This afternoon we was heading out to get a blip and then do the weekly shopping at Morrisons . As we drove over pelham bridge which goes over the main train line I spotted a steam train in the sidings so parked the car up and went to get a few shots. The train in question was the flying Scotsman which was on its way back up to the York railway museum and was parked up waiting for it scheduled departure time. We didn't know about its journey so a bit of luck. A bit of luck with this shot as a rail worker was coming out a gateway so he kindly took his time to allow a handful of us grab some quick shots there is an extra taken over as fence at a slightly different angle .
Back home from doing the shopping for a chilled out evening
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