
By LincolnWarrior


A couple of jobs done today which included a wash load which we was finally able to dry it outside the first time this year fingers crossed for many more chances.
After lunch a trip to the tip to take some old electrical items to be disposed of safely including the old TV from the back room.
Afterwards a trip to Swanholme to find a blip after yesterdays surprise steam train . A lovely walk around in  lovely sunshine but still a bit of a cold wind. WE heard and then spotted some wigeon swimming on one of the lakes . Also a brief glimpse of a kingfisher and then we heard a great spotted woodpecker drumming away at a tree we managed to locate it and grab a couple of shots of it not the best but see extra.
Back home and the litter trays cleaned and the bins put out ready for tomorrow. Time now for some Netflix viewing in the form of Night Agent 

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