Before, During and After
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Hubby got ready and took my mother to the bank to provide instructions for rolling over one of her CD’s. When ours are nearing the end of their term, he simply provides instructions on line and the change is made on the rollover date. Not so easy for Momma’s bank. You can not discuss your desires to them until the actual maturity date. Hubby will take her back next Monday. He was not happy. They picked me up and we had lunch at Cracker Barrel. Skylar needed a particular type of work shoe. I owed her money from last Christmas. She stopped by on her way to the shoe store. She found a great deal and had money left. We agreed to meet at the restaurant; I invited her to join us. From there, hubby took Momma and me to meet my sister and BIL. We had a surprise for Momma. She had a shampoo, cut and style at a salon; it’s been a while since her last cut. As you can see, her new “do” looks so nice. She was delighted. We visited my sister’s BFF. He has been quite ill and they hadn’t exchanged Christmas gifts. They have been friends forever so he knows our mother well. He picked her a bouquet of flowers from his garden. My BIL took the bottom right photo; I wanted to include it in my journal as a good memory. We took Momma back to our sister Barbara’s house. My BIL dropped me off at home. We feel like we’ve chalked up another fine day out with Momma in the books. I gladly gave them a few dozen empty jelly jars, hoping we can refill them using WV blackberries in a few months. Hubby picked up a few groceries and finished up all the tax work. He is really relieved. He has a doctor’s appointment later this afternoon. We have leftovers all made for dinner. I am not a corned beef lover so we’re skipping the traditional St. Patty’s day meal. I’d make a Shepard’s/cottage pie but it is not on my diet. Renee made cabbage. Hubby might stop by for a few helpings. Those terrible storms missed us. We surely live in the best part of the country weather wise. We only had a mild storm with rain, a little thunder and lightning in the middle of the night. It was sad to hear so many lost their lives in the mid-west/south. Wishing you calm weather also. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. Brooklyn says thanks for your kind words. “In family relationships, ‘love’ is really spelled ‘t-i-m-e,’ time. Taking time for each other is the key for harmony at home.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf
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