
By Grammy

When100% isn’t Quite Enough

We went to bed early last night, being out in the chilly damp weather wears you out. It was easy to get up and get ready for Brooklyn’s 10:00 game. We got there in time to watch the second half of the boys’ championship game. It was an amazing game. The winning team was down by many points when we arrived. The score went back and forth after they tied it up. We were so happy to see good sportsmanship on both sides. Brooklyn had quite a cheering section by game time. Our girls were not as fortunate as the boys. We were down by 10 and got within one point in the third quarter but the other team finished strong. I forgot to take a photo of the final score but I think we lost by about 7 points. Brooklyn had 11 points including a 3-point goal. I missed getting that also. Wasn’t anticipating the shot. She gets so beat up in the games. At one point, she was knocked into the bleachers. I held my breath. But she hobbled up and told her coach she was ok. The ref made her leave the game temporarily to make sure she was okay. The girls on the other team outsized us by a lot, most were 8th graders; we had only two in 8th grade. Brooklyn made all stars so she has one more opportunity to play next weekend. We came home, I got everything ready for a roast beef dinner and cleaned the kitchen. Hubby is working on my mother’s taxes. Not sure they were able to find all her paperwork. He is taking her to the bank tomorrow to roll over one of her CDs. Then we will take her to lunch. My sister will meet us and take Momma back to our sister Barbara’s. I am ready to get out my Kindle. Hope your weekend was as exciting as ours. Win or lose, we love to watch our grands give their all for the team. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. “I've got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.” - Larry Bird

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