A time for everything

By turnx3

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at church

The heavens opened just before we left for church this morning, so we were very thankful for our direct access to the garage through our laundry room, to avoid getting soaked! It had eased off a bit by the time we got to church, but R was still a gentleman and dropped me off close to the choir door, before parking the car. We had a wonderful morning service, with a definite Irish flavour to it, with the anthem being set to a Londonderry Air, and the Praise band arrangements being lively and using a lot of Irish whistle accompaniment - it made you want to get up and dance a jig!
Then, after service, the group of musicians shown in my blip played some Irish music while people were having their coffee and refreshments.After that, we joined a new Lenten Study, studying Max Lucado’s book In the Footsteps of the Savior, which is accompanied by a DVD, which they filmed in Israel. The study started last week, but we were still in England then. I’ve read several of his books, and study guides, and I really like his writing - - he’s quite a prolific author, as well as being a pastor at a large non-denominational church in San Antonio Texas.
The rain continued on and off during the day, so I decided to settle for a quiet restful afternoon at home, whilst R took himself off to the gym.

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