The plant is sitting on the bedroom bookshelf. I don't remember what it's called, but it IS organic and looks quite dramatic in mono.
The dreary weather continues.
I had a really strange dream last night. The more I think about it the more it seems like I was dreaming about my life falling apart, although in the dream it was my bedroom crumbling around me as I tried to get to my closet.
I drove across town to pick up a prescription. That was a small victory as I didn't have to wait in a long queue while one clerk worked at a glacial pace. She does speak in an almost inaudible voice which strikes me as a bit passive-aggressive for a person with her job. And there's nothing wrong with my hearing. But I'm getting to know her so I know what she is saying even though I can barely hear her.
I sorted out an online banking problem, but gave up on recreating a list of charitable donations made in 2024. which I put it on John's desk. I might as well have thrown it directly into the bin as he can't find it.
It slowly dawned on us this morning that we had been completely taken in by a so-called washing machine repair man who accepted a $100 cash deposit on a part he was going to order. We began thinking about it as we drove home from Kathy's this morning. He left a card with the name of a company on it but not his name. When John called it , the number was no longer in service. We looked up the business on the internet and called that number with the same result.Note to self: NEVER give cash to someone you don't know. And don't trust a repair guy who arrives in a Prius. The real repair guy can't come until next week.
I never would have thought that an audio book would be a total escape for me, but I have been listening to Bill Gates' autobiography, Source Code. It's well written, well read and quite fascinating. I wonder if he will explain why he and Melinda split up.
The day ended on a better note with a picture of a rainbow John took out of the living room window. The raven sitting on the branch is a bit ominous though....
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