Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack


After last night's adventure we had a leisurely start today.
Robin had arranged to meet an internet weirdo a friend and spend the afternoon with them.

So, I did the touristy thing....

.... walked from Kensington High St all the way to Hyde Park Corner with a trip into Harrods food hall to get a take-away salad and a pause at the Royal Albert Hall for a couple of photos
.... got the bus from Hyde Park Corner to Tottenham Court Road via Oxford Street (to pick up our theatre tickets at the Dominion, but I can't get them till tomorrow *sigh* )
.... walked back along Oxford Street and down into Soho Square Gardens where I ate my Harrods salad, sitting in glorious sunshine
.... walked a bit more till I got to Trafalgar Square and oggled the Big Blue Cock for a while
... on a bit further, pranced across The Mall , and into St.Jame's Park where I had a restorative ice-cream and a chat on FB with MrsCats&Dogs
... decided I had had enough walking and headed back up to Trafalgar Square and got the bus back to Kensington

Had a small sit down in the hotel, then Robin returned and we were off again ... tube to South Kensington to the V&A to wonder at the Bowie Exhibition

Dinner at PizzaExpress finished off the day.

Somewhere in among all the walking I did in the afternoon I happened upon Picadilly Circus where I got photos of Eros.
But these lovely golden ladies caught my eye as the sun glinted off them, and I love the reflected sky and clouds on the dome.

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