Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack


After yesterday's many miles of walking (or so it seemed) today started off with no walking at all.

Tube to Westminster Pier so we could partake of our Free River Trip that came with the hotel booking.
Duly transported to Tower Bridge, we hopped off and headed to The Tower of London (courtesy of my Tesco Tokens) . Looked at all the interesting bits that we could without waiting in a huge queue, then joined the even huger queue to see the Crown Jewels.

These guards came marching along the queue at one point .... we don't know if they were going somewhere or if they were sent so we had something to look at!

Finished at the Tower, I asked Robin what he'd like to do next ...... go and look for the book shop where they filmed Black Books! So, off we went to Bloomsbury.

More walking ensued.
But we found it no problem :-)

After looking like scary lurkers and taking a few photos we headed off (on foot again) to Tottenham Court Road where we had an early dinner in CafeRouge (thanks Tesco again ;-) ) before heading into the Dominion to see We Will Rock You for the 5th time (4th in London)

A No10 bus all the way back to Kensington rounded off the evening.

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