
By gennepher

People sketch...

I had a really stressful day yesterday. I had to go and collect my owing medicines. The ones they didn't have when I went to collect my prescription.last week... I had to wait over two hours last week for them to make up this meds prescription. Then again when I went in yesterday, I had to wait nearly an hour in the pharmacy and there were no seats, while they made the owing meds prescription up. By the time I got home, I was more than absolutely legs wouldn't work well. No, they don't deliver meds. Yes I have tried changing pharmacy, but despite what I did, the medicines kept being sent to the original pharmacy.

I had a rest but I really needed a whole day of rest before I sent my letter to PACT, at St Paul's, to ask for another optician for cataract post-op check up, because the optician they chose, would not get back to me and give me an appointment once I stated what appointment I needed from them. I tried for over a week. So much time wasted. It was too far to drive just to call-in.

PACT was a nightmare this time. It said on the site that could you find other methods of getting your messages through because we are inundated.

I am still stressed with the whole thing of the hospital cancelling the appointment days and times of operation, again and again.

So I tried to send the letter via the list of boxes they had for you to send the message, you had to fill in a whole load of little separate boxes of your details first. Then I put in the message. But then the first load of boxes all the details got wiped out when I pressed send, and I had to put them again. Then Capita's stupid bicycle boxes. Then it let me fill in the detail boxes again get the letter message in the message box stayed, but they asked me to fill in the detail boxes again. The merry go round went on and on. I spent two, maybe three hours trying to do this. Each time I send the personal details went out/off and it said you've got to fill these in when I had just filled these in. The whole thing was set up for failure so that you could not send your message.

I was literally at my wits end at this point. I felt like saying sod the bloody cataract post op check up.

Finally, on another page somewhere else, I found an email address for PACT at St Paul's, and I sent my letter that way. But by this time I was stressed to the max. And I had a meltdown....

I got confirmation PACT had received my email so now I have to wait....

Right... absolutely no computer time or computer work today I hate computer computers and technology. They can go for a long walk on a short pier and I hope the water fries all their circuits when they fall in it.

I have been having other problems with technology recently, and ChatGPT was helping me try to solve it. And it was saying go to advanced settings and alter these settings and that would sort it out.

Well, I reported back to ChatGPT, that it did not sort it. I explained what it was happening now. That's not supposed to happen says ChatGPT. Let's go through it again. I had done it right the first time.

I am very sorry said ChatGPT, I have failed. How about we leave it in the lap of the software gods and I'll try again in a weeks time....

This was Chat GPT's actual answer to me.

There is no hope for any of us....

Have your best kind of day....

Creative is a sketch of a woman pushing a pram, drawn on my phone with my finger....

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