My day is not going quite as planned and neither is it as stressfree as I had planned.
This morning, I've got a phone call. I can't take phone calls because of being deaf but the moments later was my App telling me I had a voicemail.
The voicemail only lasted a couple of seconds, but it was enough to know that it came from Liverpool eye hospital, and they obviously made the mistake of ringing me with a voice call to respond to my request that the optician did not get back in touch with me.
A shortwhile later, I get an email from the eye hospital, from the cataract department. They said they were very sorry I couldn't get hold of the opticians that was supposed to do my postop check. And they offered me a new one, but it was in the centre of Liverpool.. I had asked for some different ones, but presumably they didn't do the postop check. On the letter it said that if I accepted this optician then they'd already been in contact and this optician had said they would text me an appointment...
it turns out that the opticians in Liverpool, at least, maybe the whole of England are given prior warning to expect you for the cataract postop check.... So why did not the original opticians respond to me when I tried to contact them? Wasted so much of my time.
I decided to say yes, even though there was going to be a few parking problems, but I didn't know whether the disabled spaces were still there or what would be different...
So the arrangements are going ahead for that.
Then I looked at available parking spaces for me. Nearest the opticians. The centre of Liverpool has changed since the beginning of Covid. And I don't find it disabled friendly, for parking from what I can see on the map and reading on the Liverpool sites there is now an inner control zone where there are tight restrictions and then a control zone...
I found it easier parking in London than trying to work out this system in Liverpool....
So nothing is as I remember it. Traffic is going a different way round to get to certain parking places and so on. I spent the next couple of hours trying to work out where it would be a safe place to park if there was a space. But different sites said different things even the Liverpool site said different things. And then I was trying to work out alternatives. Finally, I have wasted a couple of hours on this and I am in sod it mode and I said I'll just go and park there.
But then I remember different blue badge spaces had limits like three hours or four hours depending where they were located. I was told I was going to be at the optician up to a couple of hours for the post-op check. So that could take me pretty near the four hour limit and I don't want a fine for that...
So I looked at Liverpool one parking, but there is a lot of walking from there to the actual shop, although it won't look like it on a map. And I'm terrified of multistorey car parks anyway. To park there needs a second mortgage.... even for disabled people... i'm scared of them because I cannot hear what the gates, automated gates say or what the machine that you have to put money say to me and I caused lots of hold ups that way and people have had to come and help me tell me what the instructions are being spoken to me. ....
Plan is to just to get to Liverpool on the day, early. And if I can find no parking in city centre near the shop, I will find somewhere else and get a taxi in.
I'll be glad when all this is over and sorted out...
Wildlife trail cam video...
Badgers Willow & Thor - Willow tries to jump on the swing but fails, and falls off.
Same video on TikTok
Creative...it's a bright sunny day, and these are last years teasels gone to seed...
Have a good day
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