
By CameraHappy

Knock, Knock...Who's There?!

You may be wondering why I selected a bunch of bananas rather than an orange for today's challenge. So here's why...

Our 4-year-old loves silly jokes, especially "Knock, Knock" jokes. Her younger 2-year-old brother mimics her and loves getting Grandma to laugh. On a recent car ride this was a favorite conversation -
Knock, Knock
Who's there
Banana Who

Knock, Knock,
Who's there
Banana Who

Knock, Knock
Who's there
Orange Who
Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

(Followed by giggles and the next person's turn to tell the same joke, or make up a new one! Such fun.)

The orange cup is strategic in managing sibling competitiveness at Grandma's house. One gets the red or orange cup; the other, blue or yellow. No arguments unless Grandma messes up and gives the wrong colored glass to the wrong person!

These little grand kids are at the lake for about 5 weeks. How can you tell I'm missing them?!

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