
By CameraHappy

Cat Napping

A familiar sight in our house is the cat napping, or Mr CH taking a cat nap. I thought it was safer to take the photo of our cat named, Jimmy!

Both sleep in familiar places, the stressless chair for Mr CH and the couch or the cat cushion for Jimmy. The cat likes a vantage point, so he most often opts for the couch. We've tried to keep a section of it covered with a blanket for him, but sadly no portion of the couch has escaped his little claw rips.

As a young cat he had a serious injury that involved his shoulder and now he seems to have a little arthritis in the joints. So a soft place to nap is good and the position he uses is frequently on his right side.

He is old now and is probably on his 9th life, and forgiven for all the scars he has left throughout the house. It's only stuff!

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