As I type, I can hear Mr. HCB mowing the lawn and smell the new mown grass - the sun is shining and I have a good book to read! These tiny muscari were given to us by our neighbour, Lynn, and came from her mother’s garden, soon after she died. We love seeing them every year, because they remind us of Pam, who was a lovely lady - larger than life - and who was always laughing. A couple of weeks ago, she would have been 100 years old, had she lived, so it’s good to remember those who enriched our lives in so many ways.
I have started reading “My Father’s House” and it is rather different to the previous book I have just finished, “A Covenant of Water” by Abraham Verghese. I guess reading a book written by an Irishman would be different to one written by someone born Ethiopia, but it’s also enjoyable in its own way. Some quite ripe language in places, but I can cope with that - after all, I had two teenage boys!
I loved Joseph O’Connor’s description of going to a concert at the theatre and reading his description, I could hear all the sounds in my head - it was so beautifully descriptive:
“When my two companions and I arrived at the Teatro that evening, many of the orchestra members were already in the pit and there arose that special sound that brings such joyous excitement, appealing as it does to the child in every heart, the noise of an orchestra tuning up. The sound that says Reason may be left at the door, Wonders are about to be witnessed. A stately, bright trumpet. The seethe of impatient violins. A crescendo of harp arpeggios arising like wavelets and the answering foghorn of a bassoon. God, to be alive at such moments.”
I have to confess that there won’t be much housework done in the next few weeks, because this book is the first in a trilogy, and having seen the second in the trilogy at the library yesterday, I have also borrowed that. However, I noticed this morning that there is a reserve on the second one, so you can see my dilemma - it’s housework or reading! I might even have to ask Mr. HCB to do some of the cooking - well, first things first!
Enjoy your day and I hope the sun is shining on you too. M xx
P.S. I see I am "off theme" again - but hey, it is an optional theme after all!
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