
By LadyFindhorn

BlueTits in the Sun

Frosty sand doesn’t happen very often but it was there this morning as we BlueTits gathered at 8am for a dip at Porty Groyne5. The tide was out and the yards of wet sand to the sea were black with coal dust; forget the white sands of Morar it was more akin to the volcanic beaches on Santorini. Strangely the dust was worse on the east side of the groyne  for some reason. However it was glorious to be in the sea swimming along a sun beam on the water and pleasant to change in the sunshine- another 20° and we might have thought it was summer.

Portobello is plagued at the moment with ongoing sewer and utilities work making for glacially slow progress in the bus. Some people actually got off the bus to walk, it was that slow. At some point on the journey I realised there was another #26 bus directly in front allowing us to sail into Princes Street in stately tandem.

We are forecast to have sun tomorrow- two days in a row is about as unheard of as having the balconists working on 2 consecutive days in any one week. I have decided to throw my hat into the ring and commit to dip tomorrow which means a frantic drying and desanding of today’s clobber. Thank goodness for a sunny day which will dry my gloves and socks on the elasticated drying line stretched between two chairs on the patio under the scaffolding.

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