On the wall
A couple of hours on the beach with the kiddiewinkles and parents, with deckchairs and our rug. And we didn’t get too cold.
And later, after catching the first 30 minutes of the League Cup down south we toodled along to Liz’s Garden Party. I mean it was billed as that but it was actually in her kitchen. The invitees were all the neighbours who have been gardening the area along the front for the greater good. The SK sneaked in too, despite not having lifted a trowel in earnest.
And while we were there, hallelujah, Newcastle won! I was very happy for MrT who was down at Wembley and who of course, remembers their 1955 win with amazing clarity for a seven year old. I mean, he’s 77 years old but he remembers things from when he was seven. Last week, not so much.
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