
By ZE1Christie

North Toogs Bin Compound

A lovely day, mostly cloudy with sunny spells, fairly calm too.  A lovely evening. 

A day working with young Steven.  We did a bulky removal run around Lerwick, then cleaning out bin compounds in Sandveien, Nederdale and Burra.  Walkies with Sammy after work. Another shift in the shop this evening, and a busy night of customers.  Feet up before bed. 

A much needed job for some bin compounds today.  We removed all bins, swept, cleared drains, pressure washed, then scrubbed in disinfectant.  A few extra items thrown in, we headed to the dump with them.  This was the most offending compound of the day.  Burst black bags thrown in, a mess all over the floor, glass, fast food, makeup etc.  By the time we were finished, it was smelly glorious again, you could have a picnic inside, not that you'd want to.  Young Steven Morris busy with the pressure washer, North Toogs, Bridgend, Burra.  

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