The River Len on the final stretch
Just beyond this shot the River Len ends its short journey from its source near Lenham to its confluence with the Medway. This tranquil scene belies the fact that behind me is the roaring traffic of central Maidstone!
I’ve photographed the Len in many places in our locality as it makes its way through the Len Valley and Mote Park just doing its job, often flooding the local paths. It’s been an old friend over decades.
I was in town for a visit to the dentist. I broke a tooth on some crispy bacon while away necessitating an emergency visit today before I leave for California on Thursday morning. It was a big hole, very well repaired with a white filling. It looks better than the original! Had an injection so no pain at all.
My last allotment committee meeting this afternoon. Two volunteers have stepped up to join the committee and we have a way forward for after April.
Went for a run afterwards. Good going despite not run since the end of February. All that mountain walking kept the legs in good order.
Packed tonight as I’m staying overnight at Heathrow tomorrow. Hundreds of last minute things to do, including signing the tenancy agreement.
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