Another day of extremes, but I surprised myself with how well I dealt with the tricky parts.
I spent much of the day with the Goth, who had clearly missed me while she had a week of holiday right after a couple of weeks absence for illness. As is her way, she talked me through every detail of the cause of the absence (burst cyst somewhere in her womanly bits).
All fine by me.
Then she explained why ginger haired women dread their first bikini waxing. My eyes were watering by that stage.
Her other big reveal was that the Manager's dog (regular fixture in the Office for a while) had found the receptacle in the toilet for discarded sanitary articles, chewed its way through the lid, and was starting to chomp on the contents when discovered.
It went the the vet to have its stomach pumped and has not been back in the office since then.
All things considered, the Goth is good value when the mood takes her. The place seemed quite dull after she went home.
But the Blip!
Just the town centre about 08.50 as I wandered gently along enjoying the cold March sunshine.
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