
By KathyH58

A wet day

It rained all day, not hard, just a steady, soaking rain. A few birds were around this morning, including a pair of blue jays, so I put some extra peanuts out for them. The female cardinal was in the tree when I went out and I could hear the male singing. Neither of them stayed long enough for a photo.
I included a couple of extras. The first one is from a storm in 2015. I never want to live thru a winter like that again. It started snowing in late January and we had 1 or 2 storms every week until the last major one that year on Mar 17th.  This tree was in front of my living room window, it is about 7 - 8 feet high, and I could see the top 2 feet of it, the rest was buried in snow.
The second extra is a photo taken by a friend of her black pussy willow. She says when the pollen comes out on it, it is red and black. I am hoping mine will produce some catkins next year.
I went for breakfast with the travel/social group this morning, Eight of us showed up, there was supposed to be 12. A couple of people canceled, they didn't want to drive in the rain, and a couple others didn't show up.

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