Capital adventures

By marchmont

The bear is 10.

I hadn't realised on the way out that Hamad International Airport turned 10 in April 2024. Qatar started flying from Edinburgh in May 2014 and my first transit was 3 September 2014.  I've seen that this bear every year since, except 2021. 

Arrived in Doha at 11.40 p.m. but by the time we'd disembarked, the usual middle of the night bus transfer (but this time NOT the dedicated Business Class bus), and got through security it was 00.05 a.m., Doha time, so the bear is today, not yesterday. 

My Edinburgh flight was 1.10 a.m. and already showing as 'go to gate' so definitely no stop off in the Business Class lounge.  Even the trip to the bear was a quick side step, and sadly no selfie. Got the gate just after 00.10 and impressively my bags already on the Edinburgh flight.  Given what happened at EDI that is customer service.

The second flight was ok.  I ate too much dinner and not enough breakfast.  I watched a French film and one I'd watched on a previous flight.  It was dark when we landed on the eastern approach at 5.30 a.m, 40 minutes early.  Luckily I'd warned Y when the announced the anticipated flight time at Doha. It was cold, hovering around zero, but not uncomfortable so, and as always the fresh air was very welcome. 

I was second off the plane and struggled up and down the stairs (such a poor welcome to Edinburgh) to an the Border where there was no-one apart from the customer service guy and some bored looking Border officials. Got to the baggage hall at 5.40, where the machine where you now have to pay for trolleys wasn't working.  No trolleys and despite it being reported no-one had arrived to sort it by the time my bags arrived at 6.08 p.m. and I had to struggle out to meet Y with 3 cases, a back pack and a handbag. I was not amused. Y missed my 6.11 message to say I was at the pick up so there was a bit of a wait and it was about 6.50 a.m. when I got home.  She'd had to scrape the car to get out to the airport. There was a stunning sunrise as we drove to the by-pass. The heating was on, but the house was cold.

It was too chilly to do much so I had lie down until after 9, when I got up and had breakfast.  Spent the rest of the day putting the house to rights (why do my housesitters never put back the things they've moved) and unpacking.  There was a lot of toing and froing.  But it was sunny outside and the garden looked very springlike.  I did have a brief foray outside and it almost felt warm enough to sit in the sun but no, too much to do. 

I punctuated the packing with some seated activities and had lunch late.  I had though I might get to SCD tonight but as the afternoon pr0gressed I started to fail. Found the mail (mainly Christmas cards) and the suitcase S had forgotten (?!) and sorted the Smart TV - nae idea how she'd moved it off the box to the antenna.   Phoned Mum as I knew I wouldn't get down today and eventually went to Margiotta for something to eat tonight.  Caught up with K (home from Italy) and J.  The sun was going down and it was getting colder.

That pizza never got eaten as by after 5 my energy was at a very low level and decided it would be better to relax in bed rather than on the chair.  And of course I fell asleep and woke around 9 for a late night cheese sandwich and cup of tea, but still in bed, so of course I am writing this blip at after 5 a.m. on 19th.  I wish I could get in the car and drive down the road to Jalan Kiara 5, but I can't. 

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