Capital adventures

By marchmont


I slept really well, only waking at around 4.30, with a cold nose, and feeling pretty relaxed. I knew, from a glance out the window, that the car would need scraped, but it was no hardship to be up at 6.30 and in the pool by just after 6.45. Another lovely, due east, sunrise.

The swim was hard going, after all it's been over 3 months since I've done any proper swimming but I did my 45 minutes. The rest of the morning was catch up personal admin, 2 loads of washing (mostly from December), hung outside and a long call with J being brought up to date with all their family news; a skiing accident and a death, all involving my nephew in law. 

Then to the Lyceum. I was too late for the planned lunch so snatched an unappetising bagel. It was good to be back with the gang. We did some intense work in my scenes and then almost a while run through.

I was tired when I got home so after taking in the washing, and catching the dying light on the winter flowering cherry, had a lie down, a shower and a toastie. Then off in the bus to Choir. I think I did ok though I was better with the music than the words. 

And that's the end of day 1 back in my life. Time for bed.

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