Walking to Fareshare
I always feel , when I go down the steps to this pathway, or Greenway as it’s known, that I’m entering a secret world. On the other side of the river Avon is the A4 as it enters the city, a massive hardly moving traffic jam. And behind me on this side is a sprawling zone of recycling and waste processing sites, plus a huge amount of projects where new dwellings are being built - sadly ALL student housing so far. But down here it’s so beautiful, many wild plants and flowers grow, it’s even quiet, which is surprising, compared to the surface. The extra is looking straight across the river, through the freshly opening leaves. I sometimes like to imagine I’m in the Amazon rainforest:) The eagle eyed among you will see the yellow reflection of a very tall crane, where another new block of flats is being built.
A very busy morning at Fareshare, good company, and lots of work done. In honour of volunteer P who is a little older than me, at his request I played all music from the sixties- Aretha Franklin, Sam Cooke, the Who and the Beatles. Surprising how much the young ones liked it, and how many songs they knew. I’m sure when I was young I wasn’t interested in listening to songs realeased 60 years earlier (1905!) - which proves, I think, that there really was something special about the sixties.
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