Sitting in the sink this morning, tripod on the counter, trying to wheedle my camera lens into a small crevice between the wall and the kitchen units I was greeted with a screech, 'What the hell are you doing sitting in the sink?!!!" by #1 daughter at high decibels. It all seemed fairly normal to me else could I possibly have snapped tiny wee little Marty the zebra spider. He was getting everywhere that was most difficult and he was also very wary of the camera lens too! Not the most comfortable position to be in I've got to say but .........
I am sure many of you would have preferred this silver Y moth and it was a tough call but I rather love Marty - he looks a bit like Bart Simpson with the hair cut:) Tempting though it is to put him in the Blip Groups under Pets as he appears to be living with us now, I think Blip might take a dim view:))). He did disappear for a moment but reappeared carrying a minuscule fly which I think might have come from my basil plant underneath us. He proceeded to munch his way through it. Both shots were taken with flash but even so it was incredibly difficult to get the focus and dof right on the action because of the size - about 4-5mm. You could barely see what you were doing at all - don't think being squashed in the sink helped. Slightly wary too of the small tap which is a kettle tap and didn't want boiling water gushing over me accidentally. I now also know we have a leaky normal tap so the shorts had to go in the tumble-drier quickly.
Ah the life of a blipper!! :))
Off now down for a safari at Slimbridge WWT hoping to see their night life - very exciting!
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