
Not camera shy I felt it needed to be blipped.

My intent of blipping a picture of a wasp turned into blipping a bee instead, once I saw this on the computer screen. This cuckoo bee has a shiny abdomen and tiny yellow hairs on top of it's head. It doesn't carry pollen baskets and has hairy legs, laying it's eggs in the nests of various bumble bees which were quite numerous - especially on the steel blue thistle Echinops Ritro in the garden. What a magnet that plant is and am so glad I planted it as inside all the tiny flower stems there are various little bugs too. Each globe seems to have it's own micro-world!

Trying to multitask and feel am not getting very far very quickly!!! Skirting round the edges of 'various jobs to do' I am going to try and as least complete one task today......blip finished!!!!

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