Kelly Hall Tarn
I slipped out early this morning. It was cold and I had to scrape the frost off the car windows. I'm only a few miles from Kelly Hall Tarn but I didn't recognise the turn off and added a few miles to my journey.
I've been there a couple of times previously and usually it's been difficult to park because the car park has been full of Land Rovers to do with the dealership opposite. I was surprised to find it completely empty, it looks like the dealer has increased the parking on their side.
The tarn was looking lovely in the morning sunlight. The grass was quite frosty and reflecting the sunlight. In the past I've photographed it from the western side as you can get that lovely tree clear of the horizon (I've added a shot from there as the first extra). Today with clear light I was able to shoot from the southern edge to include the Old Man of Coniston (it's not been visible on previous visits).
After breakfast we headed off to Tarn Hows and walked the route around. It seems to have taken quite a bit of damage from winter storms with lots of trees down. The water levels are very low too. I gather it's been very dry for a while. It was good to find a coffee stall in the NT carpark so we enjoyed a cup of coffee and a flapjack there. I've added an extra from there too.
It's been a lovely day. Warm and I didn't notice the chilly breeze that was evident yesterday.
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