Headed east to pick up my pal.
We chose to walk from Coldingham to as far as we could west in the time we had and head back as this is one of the few berwickshire coastal path we gave not covered.
Stunning day, a few gannets, fulmar and herring gull as we headed to the cliffs of St abbs. At the the cliff 2 pods of 6 dolphins popped up just off shore underneath us. They were not rushing as I usually see them but gently moving slowly along the shore.
Magnificent and higher cliffs ahead , the rock layers vertical, horizontal and curving.
Sea ducks flew over after rising slowly from the sea to reach height of cliff. Lunch at the seal beach.
Walked back along loch and through the woods, great excitement as little grebes let us know their presence.
Pal home great day
Coaching u9s on weighted passes into space and appropriate movements after.
Dog walk awaits.
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