An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Pleasant dreams...

What a beautiful, sunny day :-)

David headed off to meet up with his Wednesday golf buddies and I finished the prep for lunch before Ele, Nikki and Orla arrived. 

Orla was sound asleep and happily stayed that way while we ate and chatted over lunch.  We had just started clearing up when she woke up feeling very peckish, guzzled her milk in jig time and conked out again.  

We took our cuppas to the garden room and I had a lovely long cuddle with Orla who was smiling in her sleep.  Not sure if she was having pleasant dreams or passing wind!  :-))

When she woke up Nkki took her to meet Alan.  He was so excited to meet her (he was at the cinema when she visited in January) and gave her lots of smiles.  

Nikki had brought some little outfits to put on her for me to photograph.  I hadn't realised so was a bit underprepared.  It was bright and sunny so that was challenging too, but I'm hoping we managed to get some decent shots.  Unfortunately I've not been able to edit them this evening as D knocked my external hard drive off the table the other day and it hit the floor with a horrible clunk!  Now nothing is happening when I plug it into my laptop!  EEK!  This is the fairly new hard drive that cost a fortune then cost another fortune to have all my photos transferred from the previous broken hard drive.  

Thankfully this hard drive has been backed up but it's just such a hassle to get things sorted.  I'm hoping D will manage to get it working tomorrow.  So just phone shots of the wee scone for today's blips (and in extras) 

Gave Nikki Orla's easter pressie, which included the jungle animal bunting and she is over the moon with it.  Phew!  :-))

D returned from his golf and has lovely cuddles with Oral too.  She is such a contented wee thing.  9 weeks old and still weighs less than Alan did when he was born!  

A lovely afternoon but frustrating evening trying to get my hard drive to work.  Please keep everything crossed that I will get it working tomorrow! 

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