This morning I dealt with the aftermath of last night's LinkedIn activity, before settling down to marking more of the class tests. I distracted myself a few times as emails from prospective PhD students came in. I studied each and noted my views. I finally stopped marking when unable to resist the call of HiGHS-related issues. The external examiner can wait another day for the exam paper my class will sit in May. Quite why someone who has little or no knowledge of my subject, let alone the way I've taught my course, thinks that they can have a valid opinion on my exam paper baffles me.
I'm pleased to say that the wound that Kermit picked up about three weeks ago is finally healing - and fast. However, he's now got a minor infected spot near the tip of his left ear... that doesn't smell and I'm sure will soon heal. At eleven years old, he can still looks magnificent.
I've just discovered "Peep Show", which is excellent now I've got over the initial feeling of motion sickness whilst watching it.
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