Chainsaws and labels
Not much in the way of blue sky today, but after breakfast the sun made an attempt to come out, so I thought I’d get half an hour outside with a book. No such luck - I could hear a chainsaw in the distance and then the guy came back to do some tree cutting just across the road, so I went back indoors. By this time it was clouding over anyway - it stayed like that for the rest of the day. (Actually the sun came out at 4pm while I was writing this Blip!)
The chainsaw man went for a tea break later so I spent time outside going through more potted plants - there are hundreds of them! - weeding, top dressing or repotting. I have a lot of polyanthus which have been in pots for a couple of years, so they were tidied up and put around the front door - one of them is my Blip for today.
After lunch I went for a walk around the block, not that it’s really a block here, but partially built up roads with good views over the bay and the islands beyond. By the time I got back chainsaw man was loading logs into his van - he’s obviously working on his own, so how he can be 50ft up a tree with a chainsaw I really don’t know. What an idiot! If he had been one of my staff he would have been sent home long ago! Another chainsaw started up in the distance - the third one of the day! What’s going on! I think they’re out to get me!
Anyway, it wasn’t too noisy so I got some more tidying done and planted out some of the polyanthus in the wooden troughs outside the deck door. I collected up a number of potted ferns, tidied them up and wrote new labels for them. I bought a pack of aluminium labels last year, but they were hopeless for writing on in pencil - they had the wrong surface. Today I found another source online - Alitags - which I think were the ones I used at Arduaine. They’re guaranteed to outlast any other writing - as long as only pencil is used. I bought some and hope they will do as well as I remember. By that time I’d had enough so I came in for a cuppa!
Quote of the Day: ‘I want a chainsaw very badly, because I think cutting down a tree would be unbelievably satisfying. I have asked for a chainsaw for my birthday, but I think I'll probably be given jewelry instead.’ - Susan Orlean.
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