Spring Cleaning
Usually the chipmunks come out of the burrows in February/March to breed before going back to ground for a few more months. Today, I watched this little chippie gathering leaves and running back to her burrow with big mouths full of vegetation. My assumption is that it's a female who successfully entertained a suitor recently. It made me smile and felt like a good image to mark the day, even though it's quite heavily cropped. I also saw my first of the year American Goldfinches in the garden today. Both sitting in full sun which made for blown out images in spite of my best efforts. Maybe tomorrow.
Thanks for the love on my short eared owl yesterday. Some may have noticed that it had "ears" which you don't normally see on shorties. Of course, they aren't ears at all, but little tufts of feathers that can be raised when they are being defensive or feel threatened. Giselle was close to the owl in preparation for making it fly (part of its rehab) which is why the "ears" were up. Just a little piece of useless information...
Jax is at day care today where it looks like he is having a grand time playing with friends. The weather is perfect - not too warm, not too cold, just right for a short-haired dog. As for me, I ran a bunch of errands this morning and also stopped to get my hair trimmed. Unfortunately, I think it may be one of the worst hair cuts I've ever gotten - but it will grow out and I refuse to waste time being irritated. It is, after all, just hair.
I've been enjoying watching the nature series on NBC, The Americas. It's very well done and so interesting. If you like this sort of thing, put it on your list!
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