
By Grammy

Maule’s Quince

We had another traffic fatality nearby yesterday. I asked hubby to update our binder of “important information for our survivors”. We are both healthy but we travel our highways frequently. I took advantage of the nice weather; cleaned a few flower gardens. My quince has several blooms just starting to open with the warmth of today’s sun. I also filed paperwork that’s been accumulating since late 2024. My sister and BIL stopped by to bring the cake she made for our friend’s funeral repast tomorrow. They have a small family so we pitched in to help. We had lunch and then it was time for hubby to pick up Brooklyn. He took my sister’s cake, stopped and got Renee’s two strawberry shortcakes and dropped them off at the central collection point. We took a walk and now plan a short nap before Dave’s prayers. I realized today I’ve known him and Diane for over 40 years. Our prayer group gave us a joint baby shower when our youngest children were born. Kristen turns 40 next month! May you feel the love and continual support of old friends. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by. “Come the spring with all its splendour, all its birds, and all its blossoms!” – Christina Rossetti

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